[vivo-de] Call for Poster and Demo Proposals, 10th VIVO-Conference in Podgorica, Montenegro

Hauschke, Christian christian.hauschke at tib.eu
Mo Jul 1 14:47:11 CEST 2019

*** Mehrfachempfang bitte ich zu entschuldigen ***

* Call for Poster and Demo Proposals, Second Early Bird Registration *

If you missed the earlier deadline, you have until July 16 to submit
your poster or demo abstract. The poster/demo session lets you share
your work in an informal, relaxed setting and chat with individual
community members. 

Attendees will view and discuss your work during the poster/demo
reception. Demos will be held during the poster session. The person
presenting the demo should provide the equipment (a fully charged

Submissions should explore or illustrate innovative VIVO
implementations, integration with other systems, or methods of tracking
and displaying scholarly impact. We encourage submissions that
demonstrate the use of semantic technologies to represent scholars and
their work, as well as those that illustrate teams and communities
collaborating across disciplines. Share your posters and demos with the
VIVO community before July 16, 2019.

Second Early Bird Registration ends on July 29, 2019. Register at these
rates by the deadline and save $50:
* Second Early Bird Academic / Non-Profit / Govt - $250
* Second Early Bird Industry / For-Profit - $300
* Students - $99
* Local Attendees - $50

VIVO 2019 Conference Planing Task Force is looking forward to seeing
many of you in Podgorica, Montenegro!

More information:

Christian Hauschke
Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
German National Library of Science and Technology
Open Science Lab
Welfengarten 1 B // 30167 Hannover, Germany
T +49 511 762-14642 
christian.hauschke at tib.eu 

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