[vivo-de] Dokumentation / Verknüpfung von User-Accounts mit Profilseiten

Triggs, Graham Graham.Triggs at tib.eu
Mo Feb 17 12:06:33 CET 2020


A user account is a piece of data that is held in the configuration store, and is separate from the profile displayed in the interface (which is stored in the content store).

User accounts are managed via the site admin interface, and could be automatically created through integration with an external authentication (but that is beyond the scope of this message).

I have attached a screenshot of part of my own user account.

The "matching ID" to link a user account to a profile can be any unique identifier that you have within your institution. It could be an ID that comes from e.g. Active Directory (the ID you use to log on to your computer/network), or it could be - as you say, and as in my example - the email address.

You can see this ID populated in my User Account in the "External Auth ID / Matching ID" field.

The key thing is that the ID you are choosing to use for the link - the ID that you are populating in that field of the User Account (/retrieving from an external authentication) - is a value that is also populated in the profile.

The runtime properties setting needs to be the URI of the data property used to store the value in the profile (the Person object in the content store). 

Every data value is expressed as a property of the subject, and each property is defined in the ontology, where it has a URI - for example, the last name of a person is expressed as a property with the uri " http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/lastName "

Now, the complication with the matching is that you need to be using a property that is expressed directly as part of the profile object - the foaf:Person. Each profile is a combination of data properties (values expressed directly against the URI of the person), and more complex objects each of which have their own properties. (a person is linked to contact info, authorships, etc.)

If you wish to use the email, then the email that you see displayed in the profile is not a data property of the person/profile. It is a data property of an email object, that is linked from a contact object, that is linked from the person.

In order to use the email, there needs to additionally be a data property that is directly part of the person / profile object. So if you look at the other image attached, you will see that the profile additionally has a property identified by the uri " https://develop.vivo.tib.eu/fis/ns#networkId", which additionally contains the email address.

The uri " https://develop.vivo.tib.eu/fis/ns#networkId" is what is defined in the runtime.properties, and it is that property that is linking the user account (in site admin/configuration store) with the profile (in the public UI/content store).


-----Original Message-----
From: vivo-de [mailto:vivo-de-bounces at lists.tib.eu] On Behalf Of Annika Krämer
Sent: 17 February 2020 10:26
To: vivo-de at lists.tib.eu
Subject: [vivo-de] Dokumentation / Verknüpfung von User-Accounts mit Profilseiten


ich bin gerade dabei, VIVO zu testen. Da wir es leider nicht geschafft haben, die Version 11 zu installieren, teste ich auf der Version 10.

Leider komme ich mit der Dokumentation überhaupt nicht zurecht. Sowohl die Installation der Version 11 als auch die Lokalisierung des Systems sind bislang daran gescheitert, dass die Anleitungen einfach nicht verständlich geschrieben sind. Mich würde daher sehr interessieren, wie ihr eure Systeme überhaupt zum Laufen gebracht habt. Gibt es noch irgendwelche anderen Anleitungen als die unter https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/VIVODOC110x/VIVO+1.10.x+Documentation?

Aktuell versuche ich, zu verstehen, wie ich einen Benutzeraccount mit einer Profilseite verknüpfen kann. Die Anleitung unter https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/VIVODOC110x/Creating+and+Managing+User+Accounts sagt dazu:
"set selfEditing.idMatchingProperty in runtime.properties to the URI of the datatype property whose values will be used to associate profiles to accounts.  A common choice is the university "net id" or other local identifier."

In unserer runtime.properties Datei lautet der entsprechende Eintrag aktuell (wahrscheinlich standardmäßig):
selfEditing.idMatchingProperty = http://vivo.mydomain.edu/ns#networkId

Mir ist vollkommen unklar, was für einen Wert ich dort eintragen soll. Soweit ich es verstanden habe, geht es hier doch darum, anzugeben, anhand welches Attributs die Zuordnung von Account zu Profil erfolgen soll. Wozu sollte man also die NetworkID seiner Universität eintragen? Sinnvoll wäre doch z.B. die E-Mail-Adresse des Benutzers. Ich habe auch gesehen, dass ein angelegter Benutzer vom System eine Art ID zugewiesen bekommt (z.B. n6810), die in seinem Resource URI erscheint - die könnte man doch auch zur Identifikation benutzen. Aber wie trage ich das ein?

Kann mir das jemand erklären?

Danke und viele Grüße

Annika Krämer
Scientific Strategy

CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
Stuhlsatzenhaus 5, Saarland Informatics Campus
Room 2.03
66123 Saarbrücken, Germany

Phone: +49 681 302 71952 | Mail: Annika.Kraemer at cispa.saarland | Web: https://www.cispa.saarland
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