[vivo-de] Nächste Woche ist die 12. VIVO-Konferenz 2021!

Hauschke, Christian christian.hauschke at tib.eu
Fr Jun 18 18:09:52 CEST 2021



Hi VIVO Community!,

The VIVO Conference Task Force is pleased to share this year's exciting and comprehensive VIVO conference program <https://vivoconference.org/vivo2021/schedule/>  with you!    

The program includes three fantastic keynote speakers and many more <https://vivoconference.org/vivo2021/speakers/> , delivering an array of presentations and lightning talks about research information systems, ontologies, and semantic technologies!

You still have time to register for this exciting conference! - register here <https://vivoconference.org/vivo2021/>  today!

If you can't attend the conference, don't worry! Register anyway so that you can watch the recording whenever you want.

Looking forward to seeing you at the 12th VIVO Conference 2021!

The VIVO Conference Task Force.





Christian Hauschke

Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) /

TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology

Welfengarten 1 B // 30167 Hannover, Germany

T +49 511 762-14642 

christian.hauschke at tib.eu 

www.tib.eu <http://www.tib.eu/> 


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