[vivo-de] VIVO 1.14 Release Candidate

Hauschke, Christian christian.hauschke at tib.eu
Mo Mär 6 12:24:58 CET 2023

Liebe alle,

der Release Candidate für VIVO 1.14.0 ist verfügbar und kann unter https://vivo.tib.eu/vivorc/ getestet werden. Weitere Informationen siehe untenstehende Nachricht von Dragan Ivanovic. Einige der Aktualisierungen basieren auf Community-Feedback aus VIVO-DE, zum Beispiel die Neuerung, dass nun Faux data properties verwendet werden können. Daher: Einmischen hilft, bitte meldet Euch/melden Sie sich im VIVO-Slack zu Wort, wenn es Wünsche oder Ideen gibt.

Schöne Grüße,
Christian Hauschke

The VIVO 1.14.0 Release Candidate 1 is available for community testing
For instructions, please visit https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/VIVO/Release+Testing+-+1.14.0
We will be testing this release candidate until 10 March 2023. Please consider helping to test: community involvement in the testing process is critical, especially for ensuring a smooth upgrade process for existing VIVO sites. See the release testing page above for links to forms where you can submit your findings directly. Any parts of any of the forms that you are able to fill in will be greatly appreciated by the development team. Thanks to TIB, there is also a VIVO instance for testing available at https://vivo.tib.eu/vivorc/

What's New in 1.14.0
Simplified process for installation and customization
The VIVO-languages and Vitro-languages projects are not needed anymore for the installation of VIVO (or Vitro). Customization of UI labels can be specified in local custom ttl files by using private-use language subtags (such as de_DE_x_tib, or fr_CA_x_uqam). Those changes can be made in separated directory in VIVO_HOME, which won't be affected (deleted, overwritten) by any further upgrade of VIVO to newer version.

Eliminating language specific FTL files
Phrases sensitive on gender and plural-related transformation of words, and other variations related to other morphological changes in different languages have been replaced with more generic changes insensitive on those linguistic transformations. This eliminates need for some language-specific FTL files, especially in the case of loading data from the graph, and improve user-experience.

Simplified process of supporting new languages
Up to VIVO 1.13.0, adding of a new user interface language required changes in VIVO-languages and Vitro-languages projects in different directories for web application property files and for data which should be preserved in graph. Moreover, it required changes of couple Maven specific files (pom.xml), meaning it required a technical person included in the process of adding new language. Starting from the VIVO 1.14.0, adding of new language can be performed by a translator requiring only a basic knowledge of the ontology notation.

Improvement of performance for startup of VIVO
The operations of loading and removing sample data, adding and removing model, clearing statements have been improved more than 5 times comparing to VIVO 1.13.0 and prior versions.

Faux data properties
Besides support faux object properties, VIVO from 1.14.0 also supports faux data properties.For the complete list of issues resolved, see https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/VIVODOC114x/Release+Notes#ReleaseNotes-ResolvedIssues
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